Thursday, February 7, 2008

Recent Highlights

One of the highlights of our time in Sarasota, FL, has been the connection with St. Andrew UCC, and the friendship with the minister, Phil Garrison. We had a special dinner out with Phil a week ago, and then he invited us to his home for dinner with his friend/mentor/professor, Tex (and his wife Peggy--first photo on left) Sample last Sunday evening. (Yes, it was Super Bowl, but it didn't interfere too much!) Phil had invited Tex to be a guest preacher and lecturer at St. Andrew this past week. So not only have we heard fantastic preaching/storytelling/teaching, we were able to get acquainted in a more personal way with these special people.
Tex has written a number of books, and was a favorite on the Living the Questions video series that we used at Christ Church United Methodist, Santa Rosa. I have been impressed with his writings over the years, and my appreciation went up considerably this week. In his lectures here in Sarasota, I was impressed again with the breadth, depth, and passion of his faith, as well as his wonderful storytelling ability. The biblical stories are told in such a unique way you can really "get the picture." He is very involved in community organizing now in the Phoenix area, yet travels and speaks all over the country. He has a new book coming out soon about Mysticism and Earth (or something like that.) His lecturers this past week had to do with biblical and societal justice, economics, and the importance of the faith community to work toward a more equitable society.

Congregations need to be so vitally alive that they can work for the common good and change the character of the country.
We will be sorry to leave St. Andrew UCC -- it has felt good to connect with a local faith community. We've realized again we need to be engaged in a faith community with a justice ministry at some time in our future.

But in the meantime... we're still enjoying "Sun n' Fun" RV Resort. I finished a stained glass class, and my first project. (calla lily) We're getting better at tennis because of the tennis classes we've taken. We're a little better at ping pong. But we are in better shape physically -- John is pretty committed to going to the exercise room, but I can't say the same for me. We're sometimes better in the shuffleboard tournaments, although it seems the more we play, the worse we get! It's a big thing here, though, as are so many other active sports and activities. I've gotten a library card from nearby city library, so we've read a few books.
We have enjoyed some of the Sarasota area outside the park, also. We went to the new Van Wenzel theater (right on the bay) to see the "Broadway on Ice" show with Brian Boitano and the singer in Phantom of the Opera, Franc D'Ambrosio. We were definitely moved by the winning combination and impressed with the whole show.

We took in the Ringling Museum of Art and Circus Museum yesterday. Sarasota was the home of the Ringling Bros. and Barnam & Bailey Circus for a number of years. The museum has the world's largest miniature circus created by a master model builder, and lots of history and memorabilia. The home (elaborate mansion in the style of Venetian Gothic palace) of John and Mable Ringling is part of the estate that is now open for the public. Amazing rooms and decor. The grounds are also well kept with a rose garden and many banyan trees.

The art collection in the Museum of Art is valued among the top 20 museum collections in the US. Amazing collection of paintings and outdoor sculptures. Their special exhibit now includes paintings by Grandma Moses.
We planned to eat lunch there -- I was thinking hot dogs and circus-type food. Instead we walked into an upscale restaurant. I ordered alligator cakes, like crab cakes only with alligator. Pretty good, if I didn't think too much about what I was eating!

We learned "big" news recently. John's daughter, Susan, announced her engagement to Scott Siebers. (Photo at end). They plan a July wedding in South Carolina, so we'll be crossing the country once again, but probably not with trailer in tow then!

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