Friday, April 4, 2008

Corpus Christi, TX

We took two days to get to the Corpus Christi area. This turned out to be our least favorite place so far, even though it had been highly recommended to us by a couple of people we met along the way. But it was windy almost every day. The sky was overcast or a dingy grey. We took a ferry to get to Mustang and San Padre Islands where there are miles of coast along the Gulf of Mexico. You could even drive on the beaches at the various access points, but the water was also grey, it was choppy on the days we were there, and there was a lot of seaweed at the water's edge. We have gotten spoiled by the white sandy beaches and beautiful blue water in Florida!

We had one of the best RV spots in our park, though. We were right by one of their ponds, and could sit and watch the turtles and ducks swim by, or hear the laughing gulls (that's there name, really) perched on a building nearby all day long! Luckily the gulls found someplace else for the night!

On the day we went into Corpus Christi, we did the tour of the Lexington Battleship, which had been used in WWII, then went to the State of Texas Aquarium, which was quite interesting. We particularly enjoyed the dolphin show, and the talks about river otters and stingrays.

I wasn't prepared for all the oil refineries and tankers around the bay. Too industrial for us! John had read that Corpus Christi had been settled by Methodists, but we couldn't find any historical areas that mentioned it.

We've been eating quite a bit of shrimp in these parts. One place on the water near our RV Park that sold bait also advertised "table shrimp." The Vietnamese woman at the counter didn't speak much English, but she had me follow her to where there were pails of shrimp. The heads were still on them, which was not something I was used to seeing in seafood stores. I wanted just a pound but she kept trying to sell me two pounds for $6.00. Since I wasn't sure if she understood me, I didn't know if I was getting bait shrimp or eating shrimp, so I only got one pound. She popped the heads off for me. I cooked some for dinner and they actually were very good. I'm sorry I didn't get six pounds to freeze for those desert days coming up when seafood will be a distant memory! (We actually do have several meals worth of seafood in our little freezer already, so we'll be well stocked for awhile.)

We're on our way to San Antonio to visit with former Christ Church friends.

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