Monday, September 23, 2013

Driving I-80 cross country

"Driving Through" t-shirt

After 5 days of driving an average of 10 hours a day, and 2750 miles later, we have arrived at our first destination on the East Coast:  Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.  This is where we will do some genealogical research related to John's Davenport family.  Next stop will be in New York to research his mother's side of the family.

On the way, we've seen beautiful skies, sunrises/sunsets, full moons.
Sun coming up over Nevada desert

We've driven across flat deserts, rolling hills, lots of corn fields, and just today (the first day of Fall) an Amish buggy, and the beginnings of gorgeous Fall colors on the tree-covered hills!  That's part of the reason we wanted to take on the responsibility of being volunteer hosts in Maryland in the Fall!

I clapped and thanked God for the fun, safe, long-but-not-boring drive with hubby John.  We've entertained ourselves with audio books (thanks, Browns!), iPad games, NPR news stations when we could get them, and books.

Since we were in the Prius and not pulling a trailer, I enjoyed doing a lot of the driving, but that also meant I couldn't take pictures as easily, so my blog record is a little light on photos.  We stopped often at the big Travel Centers for gas, coffee, potty breaks.
One stop, at a Little America rest stop, a 50 cent ice cream cone.

We were again impressed by how many trucks fill up the Interstate highways and truck stops.  One of the stops in Nebraska had double drive-through lanes at McDonalds and a long wait inside, and the trucks at the fueling station were jammed in a relatively small parking place.  That's Middle America!
The goal on our final travel day was to get to our hotel in Wilkes-Barre (MicroTel -- nice hotel!) in time for John to watch the 49er game.  He wasn't too happy with the result!  We found comfort in "comfort-food" at a Cracker-Barrell restaurant afterwards.  Have to get to at least one Cracker-Barrell on this trip!  

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