Saturday, November 23, 2013

Leaving New Windsor

We are now packed up and ready to leave New Windsor, Maryland.  We'll begin our drive to Atlanta on Sunday, take a flight from there to Michigan on Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with Davenports, fly back to Atlanta, and then begin the journey home via the southern route.

We were given a "going away" party by the staff and volunteers here on Friday.  Didn't feel like we deserved all the gifts and fancy desserts -- hadn't been here long enough -- but we did appreciate their love and kind words.

We are sorry, in a way, to be leaving.  It was a bit overwhelming at first, but then it slowed down and we got into a rhythm that was mostly very workable.  It really has felt like home.  We've enjoyed being around a diverse group of people-- volunteers, staff and guests.  We've been impressed with the very committed volunteers who are here -- young adults and retirees.  They are part of the reason this place can keep on serving.

Gail and Tom --full time Brethren volunteers who work more than full time!

Turner, a Brethren Service Volunteer leaving soon to volunteer in Japan, working in kitchen until then

Charlotte (kitchen staff) fixing the "broken" cake for a banquet

A farewell party for a maintenance staff person

Janet, head cook, and pastor of two churches

With Cori Hahn, administrator of the Hospitality Center, who has been wonderful to work with.

We've had many wonderful side trips on our days off, we've seen gorgeous Fall colors, visited friends and family, and enjoyed the landscape of the area -- all part of our goal in being here.

We've worked, yes.  But we've also had time to read, play games, do jig saw puzzles, and enjoy eating meals in the dining hall almost every day.  (The meals have been hearty -- we've never eaten so much so often.  I'm hoping the scales here are broken!)

We've also appreciated being part of a larger ministry -- a Brethren Service Center that carries out ministry around the world through the International Medical Association, the Brethren Volunteer Service, their Disaster Ministry and Children's Disaster Ministry, the On Earth Peace movement, SERRV.  All good.

When we first arrived, it was quite warm -- in the 80's.  But now there have been several days when the weather peaked at 37-39 degrees.   Brrrr!  When we arrived, the trees were green, then began to change color, then displayed their gorgeous golds and oranges, and now the leaves have mostly fallen and the trees look pretty barren.  Must be time to go.

And so we bid farewell, leaving with good memories from this part of our life journey.  Thank you, Brethren Service Center for allowing us to share ministry with you.

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